Tuesday 9 October 2012

Stressless place.

So for our task 3, Miss Yoon asked us to describe places and not just places, places that is not stress. I thought and thought and thought, and finally I came up with a place that really does not feel stressful. So here are my description of THE LIBRARY.

What do you see?
What do you feel?
What do you hear?
What do you taste?
What do you smell?
  •  a lot of students studying or researching for information.
  • many books, mostly non-fictional books.
  • many laptops and netbooks and gadgets.
  • many stressed faces looking for information.
  •  relaxed
  • stressless
  • at peace
  • motivated to do work
  • inspired by others
  • whispers of students discussing assignment
  • sounds of pages of a book being flicked one by one
  • sound of a cellphone's keypad being used
  • faint sound of music from earphones
  • discovery, I could learn new information
  • chocolate, to reduce drowsiness.
  •  sweat, from students who walked from the dorm to the library
  •  perfume, from the girls that came to the library
  • deodorants, from the active guys
  • the smell of freshly photocopied papers

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